June 30, 2020 2 min read

Printed Bags are for Life!
We can all find a use for promotional, printed bags. Whether you are a visitors to a trade show, exhibition or seminar you will definitely find it helpful to have a messenger bag or cotton shopping bag to collect and carry all the literature and samples

In any educational establishment, teachers and students often use some form of bag i.e. drawstring bags to carry their books to school or university. And what would happen or where would we be without our reusable promotional bags (so called “bags for life”) for the weekly shopping extravaganza?

Studies have found that people like useful products such as printed bags and are likely to think favorably of the businesses and brands that give them out. Research conducted for the PPAI i.e. Promotional Products Association International found 75.4% of people who received a promotional product thought it was useful.

The increased and regular exposure of promotional bags also creates a very low cost per advertising impression. The PPAI study stated that 73% of those who used the promotional product they received used it at least once a week, with 45.2% using it every day. Over half (55 per cent) of people kept their promotional products for over a year, underlining the long-term marketing and brand exposure gained when you give out printed promotional bags.

Printed promotional bags maximize brand exposure and is an innovative way to get your logo into your target market’s homes, with the opportunity to be used and seen again multiple times Let your reusable bag get your message out there. Promotional bags can carry any message you like from a new brand slogan to a new logo. A reusable, promotional bag will create and increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website (make sure the web address is clearly printed on the bag).

Manufacturing a reusable bag may cost the same per unit as a chocolate bar but will be a tangible physical representative of your brand and brand values, which will have a long, practical life and not melt in the sun. The ROI is built in

Spend some time to determine your perfect promotional bag. There are many varieties of bag styles to suit your requirements and budget. We can print on both sides via silkscreen printing and non-woven, woven and canvas promotional bags offer the perfect blank marketing spaces to create the perfect Launchpad for your brand.

Everyone needs a bag. Printed bags are one of the easiest ways to get your brand message across to your target market. It’s useful for social outings as well as corporate requirements. There are only so many calendars a desk needs…


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