Concept's Product of the Week #34 - Eco Webcam Cover

September 13, 2022 2 min read

We are sure those post-summer blues will still be lingering but the transition into a new season should always be regarded as a fresh start.

Whilst it’ll be back to business as usual for some, others are getting to grips with a change of routine whether that’s entering a new job role or beginning another academic year. A good rule of thumb from us is to stay organised from the outset with all the necessary gear to put you in good stead for the coming weeks and months leading up to Christmas…(yes that’s right it’s nearly that time of year :0)

As remote working remains popular post-pandemic, keeping your laptop or computer in tip-top condition is essential. In particular though, that webcam used for those daily zoom meetings requires more attention than what meets the eye.

Not to scare anybody but hackers are getting savvier by the day... You may have seen it on TV shows like Black Mirror where cyber criminals hack into webcam cameras to spy and gain remote access to personal information. Thankfully, there is a simple way of shielding from this type of cyber attack.

Introducing the sliding webcam cover, made from eco-friendly material!

Protect your cyber security with the simple yet effective promotional laptop accessory. To use, just remove the adhesive back and place over your webcam- slide the cover open when you want to use your webcam and close when you don’t. Proportioned to complement most laptop and PC webcams, the smart webcam cover has an ultra-slim design which means the product won't interfere with closing your laptop. 

Traditionally we have seen webcam covers made from single use material but that is where this product differs. The sustainable webcam cover uses a bio-degradable wheat straw material that stands out with detailed speckling and offers the ideal alternative to wasteful plastic. 

A stylish webcam shield featuring your branding keeps spying eyes away whilst catching the eye of any prospective customers who pass by your laptop or computer. The handy webcam cover is perfect for promotional giveaways or staff incentives due to their low cost, portable size and ability to be branded with a 1-2 spot colour print!

So stop using flimsy sticky notes to protect your privacy and upgrade to one of these eco-conscious sliding webcam covers!

Get in touch today for a quotation on 01625 430077 or send your request by email to anthony@concept-incentives.co.uk.


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