

Hear no evil with these earplugs! This set comes with two pairs of earplugs in different colors, so you can choose the perfect shade to match your mood. They're stored in a white box, making them easy to find when you need them. Plus, the box is great for keeping them clean and dust-free. Whether you're trying to block out noise at a concert or just want some peace and quiet, these earplugs are perfect for you.

Made of soft, comfortable foam, these earplugs will stay in place all day long. They're easy to insert and remove, so you can use them as often as you like. Plus, they're reusable, so you'll always have a pair on hand when you need them.

Whether you're looking for some peace and quiet or want to block out noise at a concert, these earplugs are perfect for you. Order yours today!

Price Range: £0.79 - £1.56


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